Why Flemish organic products?
In 2023, the Belgian organic area will amount to some 102,359 ha.
By the end of 2023, the number of organic farms in Belgium had increased to 2,650. This is an increase of 11% compared to 2019.
Organic pig farming recorded further growth with 37,428 organic pigs in 2023.

Organic products that are marketed as certified organic guarantee a certain production method that has to meet many additional standards.
For fruit, vegetables and cereals, organic amongst other things means that they are grown without artificial fertilizer, with a great deal of attention for a resilient, fertile soil and without chemical-synthetic crop protection products.
For farmed animals, organic means organic feed, spacious accommodation, compulsory space outside, fewer medical interventions and more space for showing their own, typical behaviour.
Read more about organic in Flanders